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"Ye Shall Be As Gods"

The very same lie Satan told in the garden, "Ye shall be as gods.", has been believed ever since Adam brought sin into the world. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil represents being your own god. For example: dead works, self-improvement, self-righteousness, self-seeking, self-praise, human power, seeking human praise, etc., etc., or in shorter terms, it represents PRIDE.

Satan promises mankind that they can be their own god, creating their own version of what's good and evil. He promises humans they can make a "better version" of themselves. All of that sounds good to humans because, it pleases their egos. But, when Adam and Eve attempted to cover their nakedness(symbol of sin) on their own, with fig leaves, God was not pleased. He had to cover their nakedness, by putting down an innocent animal, and giving them animal skins to wear, to be pleased. Which was a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God, who will be slain, in order to cover mankind's sins forever with Himself.

Adam and Eve didn't realize they were already good before they chose The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and not because of their own efforts but because GOD, alone, made them good! What did God say on the 7th day, after He rested, and looked upon everything He had made? He said, "It is good." They were made in God's image, meaning they had His nature and attributes in them, and His Spirit was with them, too. But, Satan promised them something "better", kind of like that old saying "The grass is greener on the other side.", but the other side is usually not as greener as we imagined it to be. We become regretful, and have to deal with the consequences. So, humans gave in to Satan's lie, and God's Spirit became disconnected from them, and the only way they can get back to the way they were before the fall, there has to be someone perfect to become our sin, and pay the penalty of our sin, which is death, and rise from the dead, in order to give us back our spiritual life and righteousness! And, the only way we can have all that back is through Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, and as long as He lives, which is forever, every believer will be forever His because, He is Eternal Life and Righteousness! And, they will be sealed by God's Spirit, or The Holy Spirit, until the day Jesus returns!

No normal human being could ever save themselves, no matter what they do, even if everyone tried to pay for their own sins, with their own death, it'd be a total failure, and we'd all be separated from God forever. Nobody would be given the opportunity to get back to God and be saved! Only through JESUS, could such a thing be possible!

The Gospel means "Good News", which is why believers have hope, and usually wear a smile on their faces, no matter what their earthly circumstances are, and it makes life worth living for them. The world can offer you many things like money, possessions, or a nice home, and you may do many wonderful things in this world, which is not a sin in itself, but it becomes sinful when you start trusting in any of those things to save you. Nothing this world offers you will save your soul, nothing you do will save you, nothing anybody does for you will save you, but only Jesus Christ, who is our Saviour, can save you, and His precious blood will redeem you, and it will cover AND take away your sins, once and for all! Your part is only to BELIEVE that! And, you will find that He is enough. If you hunger and thirst for righteousness(Jesus), you will be filled! You will not seek anything or anyone else to complete you.

And, when believers simply rest in Christ, He will work in and through them, and they will bear His fruit, allowing them to show Him and His love to unbelievers, in order to help them have the same hope and be saved, too! And, 100% of the glory and praise goes to Him, nobody else!

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